"I had been on a diet for the better part of 6 years. Most recently, I was on a 1400 calorie diet, burning 400 calories/day through exercise, and could not lose weight. If I did lose weight, I would just yo-yo between a 10 pound range (gaining and losing for over 3 years). I would do well on my diet for a short time, just looking forward to my "cheat day." On my cheat day, I would eat whatever I wanted for the whole day long. One cheat day was never enough. One day, I become so frustrated with this cycle and the lack of results that I told the Lord I was finished. I knew that if I would give it to Him, it would be fine. Why didn't I realize this years ago?! Not much later, I found Setting Captives Free. It was an answer to prayer. I realized that everytime I went to food when bored, excited, worried, frustrated, socializing, etc, rather than to God, I was putting food before God. I was letting food be my god and I was practicing idolatry. Even on a diet, food was my god because I was always thinking about it, seeking salvation through a diet. No wonder I couldn't lose weight. God had left me to my own devices. I see now, that my lack of weight-loss before, was God's grace to lead me to Setting Captives Free. I have found FREEDOM! I am free at last! Food does not guide my life anymore! I don't have to buy diet food or look for diet meals at a restaurant, and there's no need for a cheat day. I just enjoy what God has given me (and yes, usually it's not a salad). I have lost 23 pounds! But mostly, I have found a deeper, closer walk with God! I will never diet again! I don't need a cheat day anymore! I have found satisfaction in Him (and lost the weight to confirm it's effectiveness!)!"
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Free indeed!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Movie Review:: Judy Moody and the Not-so-bummer-summer.

Monday, July 18, 2011
A Funeral Fit For a Fish
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Shhh....we accidentally did home-school today.
- Isabelle started counting coins as she put them in the counter. She counted to 38! Last I knew, she could only count to 12 (which I was impressed with)
- Madeline counted her nickles by 5's and her dimes by 10's!
- Rebekah multiplied by 4's to figure out how many dollars she had in quarters.
Money saved equals pedicures gained?
- You can use old soap stubs to add to the laundry detergent and save on FelsNaptha.
- For yummy smelling laundry (something I've missed with the homemade detergent and the recent allergic reaction to fabric softening sheets): put a few drops of essential oil on a wash cloth or paper towel and throw it in the dryer (too much can be dangerous though).
- For static cling: add a ball of aluminum foil to the dryer! Reuse over and over and over!
- Store homemade deodorant and toothpaste in baby food jars.
- Don't confuse the deodorant with the toothpaste. The deodorant may be edible but it kinda tastes like vaseline!
- Citric acid is optional in the dishwasher detergent (in fact I heard it counteracts the washing soda, not sure how true that is). I'm still toying with that recipe to find what I like.
Enjoy your homemade cleaning/body care supplies making! Feel free to add any links or recipes that you have, and if you've used em or not! Oh that would be fun to read! Who knows, if you save enough money (which you will), you can use that extra moolah for a pedicure!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Cupcakes and Proverbs
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Movie Review :: Hoodwinked Too: Hood vs. Evil
I had already checked the movie reviews , and knew that although rated PG, Hoodwinked Too was more appropriate for my girls than the G-rated Rio.

Hoodwinked Too is full of some big voices like Glenn Close, Joan Cusack, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler, Andy Dick, Brad Garrett, and Martin Short. But its the content I was most impressed with.
This is a movie all about hope! When it seems there's no way out, no way for good to overcome evil; that is when victory is the sweetest. Most impressively, it displayed forgiveness, redemption, justice, teamwork, and admitting when you're wrong. I can use the theme of this movie to teach my kids! When's the last time you could say THAT about a movie?!
It did have a lot of potty humor (which the 12 year-old boy in me totally enjoyed), and some innuendo. If I'm not mistaken though, none of that innuendo was sexual. There is a part where Twitch the squirrel comes out of his trailer with a couple of hot-babe-squirrel-girls, however (not a plus). Rather than using curse words or almost-curse-words, the movie resorts to "muffins." This is something I'm fine with my kids doing, so I wasn't disappointed by it. The reviews on line don't really agree with me on this movie, but as we all know...
I'm right, they're wrong!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Frugal and Homemade :: Dishwasher Detergent
Friday, June 10, 2011
Making Memories with My Mom
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Drapery Drama
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bekah's two-point expository paragraph
Memorial Day 2011
First off, we got to sleep in until 10 am (thank you Phineas and Ferb for entertaining the girls for that long)! Then we got all dressed and went go flag hunting. After explaining the significance of this holiday, we decided to take a drive to see how many flags we could count. Initially, we were disappointed in the lack of holiday spirit shown in our town. Only 40 flags. That is, until we found a Memorial Day memorial to fallen soldiers in Oregon. Touching. I got teary eyed standing there, remembering why my husband REALLY had the day off. It brought it close to home to see a picture of a friend of Chuck's from his hometown. I was proud to tell the girls that they come from a long legacy of soldiers (uncles, cousins, grandparents). Final Flag count: 170!!!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Compared to Whom?
We often spend so much time comparing ourselves to others that we forget to measure ourselves up to Christ. When I look at others, I can pretend that I am righteous. When I compare myself to Christ, I know that I’m not saved by my good works, I am saved by HIM!
There have been times that I have been proud and self-righteous in so many areas. Not because I’m all that, maybe because I forget to realize that Jesus is my righteousness. When working with abusive parents, it’s easy for me to believe that I’m a great mother—doing everything right. In the past year, my circumstance has changed. I’ve been spending more time with parents that are “good parents”. Then I start the comparing game. But, DANG IT, they’re not who I’m supposed to comparing myself to either. It is CHRIST that I need to compare myself to. NO ONE ELSE. It’s about Him, not about me! I want to parent my children as Jesus would. Not so that God will love me more, be impressed with me, make my children successful. But to bring Him honor, glorify Him. And to teach my kids to do the same.
Do I compare myself to the "bad parents"? NO!
Do I compare myself to the "good parents"? NO!
Do I compare myself to Christ? Yes, please.
Recently, it's come to my attention that I haven't been speaking to and treating my children as Christ would treat them. I've had more days than not, of just putting up with them, being short, and annoyed by them. I've spoken to them in ways that I would NEVER allow them to speak to me, or others to speak to them. I'm asking for heavenly help to soften my heart toward them. There's a cliche that says that "knowing is half the battle." I believe it's more than half--it's probably MOST of the battle!
Movie Review :: Gnomeo & Juliet

Calorie Cutter :: Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Journey of Health
Monday, May 16, 2011
Top 10 quirky things / bad habits

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Chasing Lions at Midnight

By the way, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day is a life-changing profound (but simple) book that I HIGHLY recommend to anyone wanting to strengthen their spiritual walk. I'm going to have to start reviewing all the books I've been reading (like the girls don't give me enough ammo!)