Our curtains have been through a lot today. And we've only been home a few hours today!
So, I like to let the children write on the sliding glass door with dry-erase markers. It scares most people, but if you know me, I naturally don't see any problem with it. There are boundaries: don't draw on the walls/floor. Apparently, Isabelle needed to have it clarified that we don't draw on the curtains. She drew pretty little puppies all over the white curtains (the ones that belong to the apartment, not me).
After 30 minutes of stain removal scrubbing, with Isabelle repeatedly telling me how sorry she is, I filled the bathtub with some bleach water. It was a desperate moment, I dislike bleach, which is why I like homemade cleaners. Left it to soak while we galavanted along the Pacific Coast. Upon our arrival, I drained the grayish tub water, rinsed the curtains, and tossed them in the dryer.
As dark fell, I began to miss my curtains. Began to hope no one was spying on me. Hoping no one would walk by and notice my large pile of Mt. Laundry. Or my unvacumed floor. Or cop a peek at my Netflix rental. So I checked to see if my battle scarred curtains were dry.
Yay, they're dry!
But they're stuck :(
Don't worry, my strong and handsome, hero of a husband, saved the day! He managed to get them unsnarled and then hung them up! Ummmm, they were really dirty, but they're clean now!
I was expecting a more dramatic ending Anne. Like they shrunk or melted in the dryer or something:) I guess any of those endings would've cost $ though for replacement. So, your less dramatic ending is good:)