It's not easy bringing up a princess-let alone THREE of them! Bekah (born Sept 2004), Maddy (born July 2006), and Isabelle (born Dec 2007), make for a lot of life lessons. Follow me as I teach them, learn from them, and watch them bloom! There are some things we're learning together, but other things, let's just say I'm a bit of a know it all, or so I wish!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Naughty on Mother's Day

Mother's Day is so special, maybe because it's a personal holiday, yet publicly shared. I'm not sure why, but my Mother's Day is one I will not soon forget. I woke up to homemade gifts from my girls, and yarn spelling out "MOM LOVES" on my bedroom wall. Super cute. Extra Thoughtful. Great start!
The girls made me crafts during church, explaining what they love best about me.
  • Maddy: "She plays with me. She took me to the carnival with her. She likes to swing with me. She makes cookies with me."
  • Bekah: "She helps me ride my bike. She makes me breakfast. She helps me plant seeds. She lets me cook with her."
  • Izzy colored a cute little cutout that said mom.
I'm thinking what you're thinking at this point, "I'm a great mom!" After lunch, I lie down to nap on the couch. Since it's raining out, the girls retreat to my bedroom to shout across the yard to the neighbor girl in her bedroom. I think this is pretty cute until I hear that a mermaid has "made it out the hole." Upon checking, I find a hole in the screen and the curtain rod shaped like a V. The girls are asked to go clean their room in order to make up for messing up mine. I must say, I have NEVER seen them work so well together and gotten their room clean so fast. Until I hear "Izzy, stop putting pudding on the mirror!" Well darn. The naughtiness continues.

I feed them a quick cheese sandwich and celery, and send them back to their room to do some school work. A little later, I see Bekah's head bound quickly from my room to her own. When I asked why she was in my room, she said it was because she couldn't open the bathroom door, so she went out my room. When I begin our bedtime routine, I find that this is not true. Bekah had been in the bathroom and wanted to leave the door shut because she didn't want me to see that she had done a building project in there with all of our toilet paper. After a quiet chat about honesty and honoring the Lord by honoring our parents, the girls commence a giggly sister slumber party of epic proportions, resulting in yet more consequences.

It took about 24 hours, but now I appreciate the humor of it all. Gosh darn it, it's funny (don't tell the girls I said so)!


  1. A toilet paper fort AROUND the toilet? Cool! LOL!!

  2. Wow! I think our children may be related:)

  3. I thought, looking only at the picture, that you had been couponing & had scored a huge deal on tp!
    I enjoy the way you write. You do it well!

  4. Anne, Thanks for the nice things you've been commenting on my blog. I think your girls would love "rowing". I know how much I enjoy it...oh and the boys do too. :-)
