It's not easy bringing up a princess-let alone THREE of them! Bekah (born Sept 2004), Maddy (born July 2006), and Isabelle (born Dec 2007), make for a lot of life lessons. Follow me as I teach them, learn from them, and watch them bloom! There are some things we're learning together, but other things, let's just say I'm a bit of a know it all, or so I wish!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Let the Lion Roar

I've been reading through the minor prophets in my Bible lately. My Bible College days are far behind me now, and it's hard to remember why they were called the minor prophets,as their message is not minor! The prophesies in them are silver-tongued. They are concise and cut to the core of the issue. I want to be that way! Being silver-tongued is actually something that was prophesied over me once, but for those who know me, concise and cutting to the core is not my specialty, but it's something I believe God wants to do in me. I pray that this post would be anointed, would speak to your heart in a way that I cannot-that only the Holy Spirit can.

I'm reading in Amos right now. It was particularly cutting this morning. I wanted to use this post as a call of repentance to the church. If you have asked Jesus to save you from the consequences of your sin, you are part of this; part of the church. Amos 2:11-12 God says that He raised up prophets and Nazirites, but we gave wine to the Nazirites and commanded the prophet saying "Do not prophesy!". Ouch! The church in America (with some exceptions of course) has told the prophet to stop prophesying because his message is uncomfortable. Let the prophet fear God rather than men. Amos 3:7 says that God does NOTHING without revealing it to His prophets. The prophet is a roaring lion! He speaks forth God's word, His heart, His purposes.We would be far less surprised when good things happen, when bad things happen, if we were allowing the prophets to speak. Repent, on behalf of the church, for quieting the roaring lion, telling God we didn't want to hear His voice. No longer do we want to let lies lead us astray. We weren't meant to be comfortable! Amos 2:4 tells us that the lies we believe came from the generations before us. Let it stop here!

Now, regarding the Nazirite: A Nazirite was a person that was set aside from birth to live a life of devotion to God. How often do we discourage the Nazirites in our lives by persuading them to worldliness?! By mocking the ways in which they are different?! Our strengths are not our own, but God's. It is Him alone that is our source of strength and boldness.

Lord, prepare the way for your prophets to roar, and your Nazirites to be a true light!


  1. I wrote a couple articles on this subject too. The Church needs to hear it. I am so glad you wrote this post!!

  2. Yes, Anne! I don't want to convert anyone to worldliness, but to full life in Jesus, so this is convicting. Even today in church I felt convicted about what influences I allow in my life & how too much of a not so bad thing can be bad when I don't let the WORD and sound Biblical teaching form me. Thanks for this honest blog. God's truth is GOOD.
