It's not easy bringing up a princess-let alone THREE of them! Bekah (born Sept 2004), Maddy (born July 2006), and Isabelle (born Dec 2007), make for a lot of life lessons. Follow me as I teach them, learn from them, and watch them bloom! There are some things we're learning together, but other things, let's just say I'm a bit of a know it all, or so I wish!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

China on my heart

I woke up from an enchanting dream this morning. Chuck and I were taking our new Asian baby boy through the Wal Mart parking lot on a toy motorcycle. He was so sweet and funny, and we were enjoying his silly faces. Please note, at this point, I have no intention, nor desire to adopt. I wish I did, but I just don't. When I told my friend Nicki about my dream, she mentioned that her husband's first grade class was praying for China today.

At that, I felt an urgency to pray for China. And I shared that urgency with the girls. I asked them to join me in seeking God's face for how to pray for China. We put on some worship music, got out our favorite pillows, and asked Jesus to show us what he wanted to show us about China. We utilized a new tool we learned about, called soaking, and lay there individually waiting for what God wanted to show us. Sometimes He shows us pictures, sometimes, He tells us secrets, and today, He did both.

Rebekah shared that she saw a maze, with fire all around. There was only one way through the maze, and it was dangerous, but the reward at the end, was gold and silver and riches! Maddy shared that she saw Chinese families having church in their houses, and the bad cops were being defeated by good cops! Izzy said that God had presents for us, and those presents were all of God's power in us. I saw a map of China, but not an aerial view. I saw fingers stirring the atmosphere above China, then an open Bible rising from the soil. From the sky, a fiery meteor filled with jewels and gems began to fall.

I wonder if disaster is headed China's way. I know this, though: God is stirring the spiritual atmosphere of China.  Whatever disaster comes, it brings beauty and healing with it. Hardened things must be broken in order to be renewed. I pray for the Christians in China. That when disaster strikes, they will rise up to be Christ in a dark time--in very practical ways. And I pray for China's government. That the "bad cops" would be overtaken by the "good cops." 

And did I mention? I'm crazy giddy that my children are encountering Jesus! The secrets that He's telling them are straight from the Bible! All I can say about that, is "Yay God! Do it some more!"