Many great princesses have a fairy Godmother. My princesses have God and their mother. Hopefully I'm in tune with Him enough to say that I'm a godly mother, so for this post, we'll just say I'm the Godmother.
This is the list of wishes I would like to grant to my three lovely princesses:
- Legacy ~ I'd like to grant them the opportunity to know where they've come from; understanding family heritage, being proud of it, and a deep desire to carry it on. Let's have this one carry over into a spiritual legacy too; understanding they are here for the blink of an eye, and they can make an impact where they are and where they go.
- Beauty and Strength ~ These two characteristics are at their finest, I think, when they are interchangeable. Of course I want to be vain and grant them outer beauty, but their inner beauty is more difficult to mold. I guess that's why I began this blog-to be more intentional and aware of what I'm molding.
- Healthy Relationships ~ Know when to hold onto them, and when to let them go. Know who to walk with and when to walk on your own. I'd like to grant them other amazing princesses who can journey along with them, carrying the title of BFF and meaning it! I'm also granting them a continued close relationship with the King and Queen of the house-you know, their mom and dad! There's safety in this relationship, and so much to learn! Most importantly, may they come to know God as their Abba Father, Savior, and King!
- Freedom ~ To be whom God has created them to be, free from chains, and unrealistic expectations from others and themselves.
This is not an exhaustive list, but I think it covers a lot of bases. What wishes are you wanting to grant to your princes or princesses?